Supervisor and Reporter Role

The Reporter role is a custom role you may apply for in Bridge/My Learning if you are appointed by your department to pull team reporting data.

New Supervisor and Reporters

The Reporter and Supervisor roles are a custom role that can be applied for in Bridge/My Learning once you are appointed by your department to pull team reporting data.

Returning Supervisor and Reporters

Those in the supervisor or reporter role can access training statistics and pull training completion reports in My Learning.


Analytics provides visuals and multiple filtering options to review training reporting data.

CSU Managers, Administrators, Authors and Reporters have the Analytics icon in their My Learning Dashboard. 

Analytics logo

Suggested Analytics Tutorials

Bridge Guide

The Bridge guide provides tutorials to better understand the analytics tools available.

Viewing attendance

The fastest way to gather Live Training session statistics beyond Analytics or Insights is by asking a Bridge Department Administrator or Author to EXPORT DATA from the Live Training itself.

For a list of Departments and their Department Administrators, go to the Departmental Training Directory.

Quick Tips

To search by Manager or Team, drop down at “Manager Group Name”

  • To search by Department name or number, drop down at “Custom Fields” > is any value to start, and then further filter as appropriate
  • To search by Content, drop down at “Tag/Category Name” if you are a Bridge administrator, and/or drop down at “Learnable Type” and/or “Learnable Title”
  • To search by Group, drop down at “Group Name” if you are a Bridge administrator and know your Groups
  • To search by timeframes, drop down at “Enrollment Date” and/or “Custom Fields”>More to see all of your completed date and due date timeframes

Email MyLearning Support for assistance on Analytics reports or use cases.